Source code for adb_shell.adb_device_async

# Copyright (c) 2021 Jeff Irion and contributors
# This file is part of the adb-shell package.  It incorporates work
# covered by the following license notice:
#   Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

"""Implement the :class:`AdbDeviceAsync` class, which can connect to a device and run ADB shell commands.

* :class:`_AdbIOManagerAsync`

    * :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync._read_bytes_from_device`
    * :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync._read_expected_packet_from_device`
    * :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device`
    * :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync._send`
    * :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync.close`
    * :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync.connect`
    * :meth:``
    * :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync.send`

* :class:`_AsyncBytesIO`

    * :meth:``
    * :meth:`_AsyncBytesIO.write`

* :func:`_open_bytesio`

* :class:`AdbDeviceAsync`

    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._clse`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._filesync_flush`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._filesync_read`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._filesync_read_buffered`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._filesync_read_until`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._filesync_send`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._okay`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._open`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._pull`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._push`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._read_until`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._read_until_close`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._service`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._streaming_command`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._streaming_service`
    * :attr:`AdbDeviceAsync.available`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.close`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.connect`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.list`
    * :attr:`AdbDeviceAsync.max_chunk_size`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.pull`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.push`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.root`
    * :meth:``
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.stat`
    * :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.streaming_shell`

* :class:`AdbDeviceTcpAsync`


from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from io import BytesIO
from asyncio import Lock, get_running_loop
import logging
import os
import struct
import time

import aiofiles

from . import constants
from . import exceptions
from .adb_message import AdbMessage, checksum, int_to_cmd, unpack
from .transport.base_transport_async import BaseTransportAsync
from .transport.tcp_transport_async import TcpTransportAsync
from .hidden_helpers import DeviceFile, _AdbPacketStore, _AdbTransactionInfo, _FileSyncTransactionInfo, get_banner, get_files_to_push

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class _AsyncBytesIO: """An async wrapper for `BytesIO`. Parameters ---------- bytesio : BytesIO The BytesIO object that is wrapped """ def __init__(self, bytesio): self._bytesio = bytesio
[docs] async def read(self, size=-1): """Read data. Parameters ---------- size : int The size of the data to be read Returns ------- bytes The data that was read """ return
[docs] async def write(self, data): """Write data. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The data to be written """ self._bytesio.write(data)
[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def _open_bytesio(stream, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """An async context manager for a BytesIO object that does nothing. Parameters ---------- stream : BytesIO The BytesIO stream args : list Unused positional arguments kwargs : dict Unused keyword arguments Yields ------ _AsyncBytesIO The wrapped `stream` input parameter """ yield _AsyncBytesIO(stream)
[docs] class _AdbIOManagerAsync(object): """A class for handling all ADB I/O. Notes ----- When the ``self._store_lock`` and ``self._transport_lock`` locks are held at the same time, it must always be the case that the ``self._transport_lock`` is acquired first. This ensures that there is no potential for deadlock. Parameters ---------- transport : BaseTransportAsync A transport for communicating with the device; must be an instance of a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync` Attributes ---------- _packet_store : _AdbPacketStore A store for holding packets that correspond to different ADB streams _store_lock : Lock A lock for protecting ``self._packet_store`` (this lock is never held for long) _transport : BaseTransportAsync A transport for communicating with the device; must be an instance of a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync` _transport_lock : Lock A lock for protecting ``self._transport`` """ def __init__(self, transport): self._packet_store = _AdbPacketStore() self._transport = transport self._store_lock = Lock() self._transport_lock = Lock()
[docs] async def close(self): """Close the connection via the provided transport's ``close()`` method and clear the packet store. """ async with self._transport_lock: await self._transport.close() async with self._store_lock: self._packet_store.clear_all()
[docs] async def connect(self, banner, rsa_keys, auth_timeout_s, auth_callback, adb_info): """Establish an ADB connection to the device. 1. Use the transport to establish a connection 2. Send a ``b'CNXN'`` message 3. Read the response from the device 4. If ``cmd`` is not ``b'AUTH'``, then authentication is not necesary and so we are done 5. If no ``rsa_keys`` are provided, raise an exception 6. Loop through our keys, signing the last ``banner2`` that we received 1. If the last ``arg0`` was not :const:`adb_shell.constants.AUTH_TOKEN`, raise an exception 2. Sign the last ``banner2`` and send it in an ``b'AUTH'`` message 3. Read the response from the device 4. If ``cmd`` is ``b'CNXN'``, we are done 7. None of the keys worked, so send ``rsa_keys[0]``'s public key; if the response does not time out, we must have connected successfully Parameters ---------- banner : bytearray, bytes The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running (:attr:`adb_shell.adb_device_async.AdbDeviceAsync._banner`) rsa_keys : list, None A list of signers of type :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_cryptography.CryptographySigner`, :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_pycryptodome.PycryptodomeAuthSigner`, or :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_pythonrsa.PythonRSASigner` auth_timeout_s : float, None The time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CNXN'`` authentication response auth_callback : function, None Function callback invoked when the connection needs to be accepted on the device adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this connection attempt Returns ------- bool Whether the connection was established maxdata : int Maximum amount of data in an ADB packet Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.DeviceAuthError Device authentication required, no keys available adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidResponseError Invalid auth response from the device """ async with self._transport_lock: # 0. Close the connection and clear the store await self._transport.close() async with self._store_lock: # We can release this lock because packets are only added to the store when the transport lock is held self._packet_store.clear_all() # 1. Use the transport to establish a connection await self._transport.connect(adb_info.transport_timeout_s) # 2. Send a ``b'CNXN'`` message msg = AdbMessage(constants.CNXN, constants.VERSION, constants.MAX_ADB_DATA, b'host::%s\0' % banner) await self._send(msg, adb_info) # 3. Read the response from the device cmd, arg0, maxdata, banner2 = await self._read_expected_packet_from_device([constants.AUTH, constants.CNXN], adb_info) # 4. If ``cmd`` is not ``b'AUTH'``, then authentication is not necesary and so we are done if cmd != constants.AUTH: return True, maxdata # 5. If no ``rsa_keys`` are provided, raise an exception if not rsa_keys: await self._transport.close() raise exceptions.DeviceAuthError('Device authentication required, no keys available.') # 6. Loop through our keys, signing the last ``banner2`` that we received for rsa_key in rsa_keys: # 6.1. If the last ``arg0`` was not :const:`adb_shell.constants.AUTH_TOKEN`, raise an exception if arg0 != constants.AUTH_TOKEN: await self._transport.close() raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError('Unknown AUTH response: %s %s %s' % (arg0, maxdata, banner2)) # 6.2. Sign the last ``banner2`` and send it in an ``b'AUTH'`` message signed_token = rsa_key.Sign(banner2) msg = AdbMessage(constants.AUTH, constants.AUTH_SIGNATURE, 0, signed_token) await self._send(msg, adb_info) # 6.3. Read the response from the device cmd, arg0, maxdata, banner2 = await self._read_expected_packet_from_device([constants.CNXN, constants.AUTH], adb_info) # 6.4. If ``cmd`` is ``b'CNXN'``, we are done if cmd == constants.CNXN: return True, maxdata # 7. None of the keys worked, so send ``rsa_keys[0]``'s public key; if the response does not time out, we must have connected successfully pubkey = rsa_keys[0].GetPublicKey() if not isinstance(pubkey, (bytes, bytearray)): pubkey = bytearray(pubkey, 'utf-8') if auth_callback is not None: auth_callback(self) msg = AdbMessage(constants.AUTH, constants.AUTH_RSAPUBLICKEY, 0, pubkey + b'\0') await self._send(msg, adb_info) adb_info.transport_timeout_s = auth_timeout_s _, _, maxdata, _ = await self._read_expected_packet_from_device([constants.CNXN], adb_info) return True, maxdata
[docs] async def read(self, expected_cmds, adb_info, allow_zeros=False): """Read packets from the device until we get an expected packet type. 1. See if the expected packet is in the packet store 2. While the time limit has not been exceeded: 1. See if the expected packet is in the packet store 2. Read a packet from the device. If it matches what we are looking for, we are done. If it corresponds to a different stream, add it to the store. 3. Raise a timeout exception Parameters ---------- expected_cmds : list[bytes] We will read packets until we encounter one whose "command" field is in ``expected_cmds`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction allow_zeros : bool Whether to allow the received ``arg0`` and ``arg1`` values to match with 0, in addition to ``adb_info.remote_id`` and ``adb_info.local_id``, respectively Returns ------- cmd : bytes The received command, which is in :const:`adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID` and must be in ``expected_cmds`` arg0 : int TODO arg1 : int TODO data : bytes The data that was read Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.AdbTimeoutError Never got one of the expected responses """ # First, try reading from the store. This way, you won't be waiting for the transport if it isn't needed async with self._store_lock: # Recall that `arg0` from the device corresponds to `adb_info.remote_id` and `arg1` from the device corresponds to `adb_info.local_id` arg0_arg1 = self._packet_store.find(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) if not allow_zeros else self._packet_store.find_allow_zeros(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) while arg0_arg1: cmd, arg0, arg1, data = self._packet_store.get(arg0_arg1[0], arg0_arg1[1]) if cmd in expected_cmds: return cmd, arg0, arg1, data arg0_arg1 = self._packet_store.find(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) if not allow_zeros else self._packet_store.find_allow_zeros(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) # Start the timer start = time.time() while True: async with self._transport_lock: # Try reading from the store (again) in case a packet got added while waiting to acquire the transport lock async with self._store_lock: # Recall that `arg0` from the device corresponds to `adb_info.remote_id` and `arg1` from the device corresponds to `adb_info.local_id` arg0_arg1 = self._packet_store.find(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) if not allow_zeros else self._packet_store.find_allow_zeros(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) while arg0_arg1: cmd, arg0, arg1, data = self._packet_store.get(arg0_arg1[0], arg0_arg1[1]) if cmd in expected_cmds: return cmd, arg0, arg1, data arg0_arg1 = self._packet_store.find(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) if not allow_zeros else self._packet_store.find_allow_zeros(adb_info.remote_id, adb_info.local_id) # Read from the device cmd, arg0, arg1, data = await self._read_packet_from_device(adb_info) if not adb_info.args_match(arg0, arg1, allow_zeros): # The packet is not a match -> put it in the store async with self._store_lock: self._packet_store.put(arg0, arg1, cmd, data) else: # The packet is a match for this `(adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id)` pair if cmd == constants.CLSE: # Clear the entry in the store async with self._store_lock: self._packet_store.clear(arg0, arg1) # If `cmd` is a match, then we are done if cmd in expected_cmds: return cmd, arg0, arg1, data # Check if time is up if time.time() - start > adb_info.read_timeout_s: break # Timeout raise exceptions.AdbTimeoutError("Never got one of the expected responses: {} (transport_timeout_s = {}, read_timeout_s = {})".format(expected_cmds, adb_info.transport_timeout_s, adb_info.read_timeout_s))
[docs] async def send(self, msg, adb_info): """Send a message to the device. Parameters ---------- msg : AdbMessage The data that will be sent adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ async with self._transport_lock: await self._send(msg, adb_info)
[docs] async def _read_expected_packet_from_device(self, expected_cmds, adb_info): """Read packets from the device until we get an expected packet type. Parameters ---------- expected_cmds : list[bytes] We will read packets until we encounter one whose "command" field is in ``expected_cmds`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Returns ------- cmd : bytes The received command, which is in :const:`adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID` and must be in ``expected_cmds`` arg0 : int TODO arg1 : int TODO data : bytes The data that was read Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.AdbTimeoutError Never got one of the expected responses """ start = time.time() while True: cmd, arg0, arg1, data = await self._read_packet_from_device(adb_info) if cmd in expected_cmds: return cmd, arg0, arg1, data if time.time() - start > adb_info.read_timeout_s: # Timeout raise exceptions.AdbTimeoutError("Never got one of the expected responses: {} (transport_timeout_s = {}, read_timeout_s = {})".format(expected_cmds, adb_info.transport_timeout_s, adb_info.read_timeout_s))
[docs] async def _read_bytes_from_device(self, length, adb_info): """Read ``length`` bytes from the device. Parameters ---------- length : int We will read packets until we get this length of data adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Returns ------- bytes The data that was read Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.AdbTimeoutError Did not read ``length`` bytes in time """ start = time.time() data = bytearray() while length > 0: temp = await self._transport.bulk_read(length, adb_info.transport_timeout_s) if temp: # Only log if `temp` is not empty _LOGGER.debug("bulk_read(%d): %.1000r", length, temp) data += temp length -= len(temp) if length == 0: break if time.time() - start > adb_info.read_timeout_s: # Timeout raise exceptions.AdbTimeoutError("Timeout: read {} of {} bytes (transport_timeout_s = {}, read_timeout_s = {})".format(len(data), len(data) + length, adb_info.transport_timeout_s, adb_info.read_timeout_s)) return bytes(data)
[docs] async def _read_packet_from_device(self, adb_info): """Read a complete ADB packet (header + data) from the device. Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Returns ------- cmd : bytes The received command, which is in :const:`adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID` and must be in ``expected_cmds`` arg0 : int TODO arg1 : int TODO bytes The data that was read Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidCommandError Unknown command adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidChecksumError Received checksum does not match the expected checksum """ msg = await self._read_bytes_from_device(constants.MESSAGE_SIZE, adb_info) cmd, arg0, arg1, data_length, data_checksum = unpack(msg) command = constants.WIRE_TO_ID.get(cmd) if not command: raise exceptions.InvalidCommandError("Unknown command: %d = '%s' (arg0 = %d, arg1 = %d, msg = '%s')" % (cmd, int_to_cmd(cmd), arg0, arg1, msg)) if data_length == 0: return command, arg0, arg1, b"" data = await self._read_bytes_from_device(data_length, adb_info) actual_checksum = checksum(data) if actual_checksum != data_checksum: raise exceptions.InvalidChecksumError("Received checksum {} != {}".format(actual_checksum, data_checksum)) return command, arg0, arg1, data
[docs] async def _send(self, msg, adb_info): """Send a message to the device. 1. Send the message header (:meth:`adb_shell.adb_message.AdbMessage.pack <AdbMessage.pack>`) 2. Send the message data Parameters ---------- msg : AdbMessage The data that will be sent adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ packed = msg.pack() _LOGGER.debug("bulk_write(%d): %r", len(packed), packed) await self._transport.bulk_write(packed, adb_info.transport_timeout_s) if _LOGGER.debug("bulk_write(%d): %r", len(, await self._transport.bulk_write(, adb_info.transport_timeout_s)
[docs] class AdbDeviceAsync(object): """A class with methods for connecting to a device and executing ADB commands. Parameters ---------- transport : BaseTransportAsync A user-provided transport for communicating with the device; must be an instance of a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync` default_transport_timeout_s : float, None Default timeout in seconds for transport packets, or ``None`` banner : str, bytes, None The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running; if it is not provided, it will be determined via ``socket.gethostname()`` Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidTransportError The passed ``transport`` is not an instance of a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync` Attributes ---------- _available : bool Whether an ADB connection to the device has been established _banner : bytearray, bytes The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running _default_transport_timeout_s : float, None Default timeout in seconds for transport packets, or ``None`` _io_manager : _AdbIOManagerAsync Used for handling all ADB I/O _local_id : int The local ID that is used for ADB transactions; the value is incremented each time and is always in the range ``[1, 2^32)`` _local_id_lock : Lock A lock for protecting ``_local_id``; this is never held for long _maxdata: int Maximum amount of data in an ADB packet _transport : BaseTransportAsync The transport that is used to connect to the device; must be a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync` """ def __init__(self, transport, default_transport_timeout_s=None, banner=None): if banner and not isinstance(banner, (bytes, bytearray)): self._banner = bytearray(banner, 'utf-8') else: self._banner = banner if not isinstance(transport, BaseTransportAsync): raise exceptions.InvalidTransportError("`transport` must be an instance of a subclass of `BaseTransportAsync`") self._io_manager = _AdbIOManagerAsync(transport) self._available = False self._default_transport_timeout_s = default_transport_timeout_s self._local_id = 0 self._local_id_lock = Lock() self._maxdata = constants.MAX_PUSH_DATA # ======================================================================= # # # # Properties & simple methods # # # # ======================================================================= # @property def available(self): """Whether or not an ADB connection to the device has been established. Returns ------- bool ``self._available`` """ return self._available @property def max_chunk_size(self): """Maximum chunk size for filesync operations Returns ------- int Minimum value based on :const:`adb_shell.constants.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE` and ``_max_data / 2``, fallback to legacy :const:`adb_shell.constants.MAX_PUSH_DATA` """ return min(constants.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, self._maxdata // 2) or constants.MAX_PUSH_DATA
[docs] def _get_transport_timeout_s(self, transport_timeout_s): """Use the provided ``transport_timeout_s`` if it is not ``None``; otherwise, use ``self._default_transport_timeout_s`` Parameters ---------- transport_timeout_s : float, None The potential transport timeout Returns ------- float ``transport_timeout_s`` if it is not ``None``; otherwise, ``self._default_transport_timeout_s`` """ return transport_timeout_s if transport_timeout_s is not None else self._default_transport_timeout_s
# ======================================================================= # # # # Close & Connect # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def close(self): """Close the connection via the provided transport's ``close()`` method. """ self._available = False await self._io_manager.close()
[docs] async def connect(self, rsa_keys=None, transport_timeout_s=None, auth_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_AUTH_TIMEOUT_S, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, auth_callback=None): """Establish an ADB connection to the device. See :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync.connect`. Parameters ---------- rsa_keys : list, None A list of signers of type :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_cryptography.CryptographySigner`, :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_pycryptodome.PycryptodomeAuthSigner`, or :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_pythonrsa.PythonRSASigner` transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` auth_timeout_s : float, None The time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CNXN'`` authentication response read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for expected commands in :meth:`_AdbIOManagerAsync._read_expected_packet_from_device` auth_callback : function, None Function callback invoked when the connection needs to be accepted on the device Returns ------- bool Whether the connection was established (:attr:`AdbDeviceAsync.available`) """ # Get `self._banner` if it was not provided in the constructor if not self._banner: self._banner = await get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, get_banner) # Instantiate the `_AdbTransactionInfo` adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, self._get_transport_timeout_s(transport_timeout_s), read_timeout_s, None) # Mark the device as unavailable self._available = False # Use the IO manager to connect self._available, self._maxdata = await self._io_manager.connect(self._banner, rsa_keys, auth_timeout_s, auth_callback, adb_info) return self._available
# ======================================================================= # # # # Services # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def _service(self, service, command, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, timeout_s=None, decode=True): """Send an ADB command to the device. Parameters ---------- service : bytes The ADB service to talk to (e.g., ``b'shell'``) command : bytes The command that will be sent transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Returns ------- bytes, str The output of the ADB command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ if decode: return b''.join([x async for x in self._streaming_command(service, command, transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s)]).decode('utf8', 'backslashreplace') return b''.join([x async for x in self._streaming_command(service, command, transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s)])
[docs] async def _streaming_service(self, service, command, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, decode=True): """Send an ADB command to the device, yielding each line of output. Parameters ---------- service : bytes The ADB service to talk to (e.g., ``b'shell'``) command : bytes The command that will be sent transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Yields ------- bytes, str The line-by-line output of the ADB command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ stream = self._streaming_command(service, command, transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, None) if decode: async for line in (stream_line.decode('utf8', 'backslashreplace') async for stream_line in stream): yield line else: async for line in stream: yield line
[docs] async def exec_out(self, command, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, timeout_s=None, decode=True): """Send an ADB ``exec-out`` command to the device. Parameters ---------- command : str The exec-out command that will be sent transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Returns ------- bytes, str The output of the ADB exec-out command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") return await self._service(b'exec', command.encode('utf8'), transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s, decode)
[docs] async def reboot(self, fastboot=False, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, timeout_s=None): """Reboot the device. Parameters ---------- fastboot : bool Whether to reboot the device into fastboot transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") await self._open(b'reboot:bootloader' if fastboot else b'reboot:', transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s)
[docs] async def root(self, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, timeout_s=None): """Gain root access. The device must be rooted in order for this to work. Parameters ---------- transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") await self._service(b'root', b'', transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s, False)
[docs] async def shell(self, command, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, timeout_s=None, decode=True): """Send an ADB shell command to the device. Parameters ---------- command : str The shell command that will be sent transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Returns ------- bytes, str The output of the ADB shell command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") return await self._service(b'shell', command.encode('utf8'), transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s, decode)
[docs] async def streaming_shell(self, command, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, decode=True): """Send an ADB shell command to the device, yielding each line of output. Parameters ---------- command : str The shell command that will be sent transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Yields ------- bytes, str The line-by-line output of the ADB shell command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") async for line in self._streaming_service(b'shell', command.encode('utf8'), transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, decode): yield line
# ======================================================================= # # # # FileSync # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def list(self, device_path, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S): """Return a directory listing of the given path. Parameters ---------- device_path : str Directory to list. transport_timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the pull. read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` Returns ------- files : list[DeviceFile] Filename, mode, size, and mtime info for the files in the directory """ if not device_path: raise exceptions.DevicePathInvalidError("Cannot list an empty device path") if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") adb_info = await self._open(b'sync:', transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, None) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_LIST_FORMAT, maxdata=self._maxdata) await self._filesync_send(constants.LIST, adb_info, filesync_info, data=device_path) files = [] async for cmd_id, header, filename in self._filesync_read_until([constants.DENT], [constants.DONE], adb_info, filesync_info): if cmd_id == constants.DONE: break mode, size, mtime = header files.append(DeviceFile(filename, mode, size, mtime)) await self._clse(adb_info) return files
[docs] async def pull(self, device_path, local_path, progress_callback=None, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S): """Pull a file from the device. Parameters ---------- device_path : str The file on the device that will be pulled local_path : str, BytesIO The path or BytesIO stream where the file will be downloaded progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts ``device_path``, ``bytes_written``, and ``total_bytes`` transport_timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the pull. read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` """ if not device_path: raise exceptions.DevicePathInvalidError("Cannot pull from an empty device path") if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") opener = _open_bytesio if isinstance(local_path, BytesIO) else async with opener(local_path, 'wb') as stream: adb_info = await self._open(b'sync:', transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, None) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_PULL_FORMAT, maxdata=self._maxdata) try: await self._pull(device_path, stream, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info) finally: await self._clse(adb_info)
[docs] async def _pull(self, device_path, stream, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info): """Pull a file from the device into the file-like ``local_path``. Parameters ---------- device_path : str The file on the device that will be pulled stream : AsyncBufferedIOBase, _AsyncBytesIO File-like object for writing to progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts ``device_path``, ``bytes_written``, and ``total_bytes`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction """ if progress_callback: total_bytes = (await self.stat(device_path))[1] await self._filesync_send(constants.RECV, adb_info, filesync_info, data=device_path) async for cmd_id, _, data in self._filesync_read_until([constants.DATA], [constants.DONE], adb_info, filesync_info): if cmd_id == constants.DONE: break await stream.write(data) if progress_callback: try: await progress_callback(device_path, len(data), total_bytes) except: # noqa pylint: disable=bare-except pass
[docs] async def push(self, local_path, device_path, st_mode=constants.DEFAULT_PUSH_MODE, mtime=0, progress_callback=None, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S): """Push a file or directory to the device. Parameters ---------- local_path : str, BytesIO A filename, directory, or BytesIO stream to push to the device device_path : str Destination on the device to write to st_mode : int Stat mode for ``local_path`` mtime : int Modification time to set on the file progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts ``device_path``, ``bytes_written``, and ``total_bytes`` transport_timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the push read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` """ if not device_path: raise exceptions.DevicePathInvalidError("Cannot push to an empty device path") if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") local_path_is_dir, local_paths, device_paths = await get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, get_files_to_push, local_path, device_path) if local_path_is_dir: await"mkdir " + device_path, transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s) for _local_path, _device_path in zip(local_paths, device_paths): opener = _open_bytesio if isinstance(local_path, BytesIO) else async with opener(_local_path, 'rb') as stream: adb_info = await self._open(b'sync:', transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, None) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_PUSH_FORMAT, maxdata=self._maxdata) await self._push(stream, _device_path, st_mode, mtime, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info) await self._clse(adb_info)
[docs] async def _push(self, stream, device_path, st_mode, mtime, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info): """Push a file-like object to the device. Parameters ---------- stream : AsyncBufferedReader, _AsyncBytesIO File-like object for reading from device_path : str Destination on the device to write to st_mode : int Stat mode for the file mtime : int Modification time progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts ``device_path``, ``bytes_written``, and ``total_bytes`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Raises ------ PushFailedError Raised on push failure. """ fileinfo = ('{},{}'.format(device_path, int(st_mode))).encode('utf-8') await self._filesync_send(constants.SEND, adb_info, filesync_info, data=fileinfo) if progress_callback: total_bytes = (await get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, os.fstat, stream.fileno())).st_size while True: data = await if data: await self._filesync_send(constants.DATA, adb_info, filesync_info, data=data) if progress_callback: try: await progress_callback(device_path, len(data), total_bytes) except: # noqa pylint: disable=bare-except pass else: break if mtime == 0: mtime = int(time.time()) # DONE doesn't send data, but it hides the last bit of data in the size field. await self._filesync_send(constants.DONE, adb_info, filesync_info, size=mtime) async for cmd_id, _, data in self._filesync_read_until([], [constants.OKAY, constants.FAIL], adb_info, filesync_info): if cmd_id == constants.OKAY: return raise exceptions.PushFailedError(data)
[docs] async def stat(self, device_path, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S): """Get a file's ``stat()`` information. Parameters ---------- device_path : str The file on the device for which we will get information. transport_timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the pull. read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` Returns ------- mode : int The octal permissions for the file size : int The size of the file mtime : int The last modified time for the file """ if not device_path: raise exceptions.DevicePathInvalidError("Cannot stat an empty device path") if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDeviceAsync.connect()`?)") adb_info = await self._open(b'sync:', transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, None) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_STAT_FORMAT, maxdata=self._maxdata) await self._filesync_send(constants.STAT, adb_info, filesync_info, data=device_path) _, (mode, size, mtime), _ = await self._filesync_read([constants.STAT], adb_info, filesync_info) await self._clse(adb_info) return mode, size, mtime
# ======================================================================= # # # # Hidden Methods: send packets # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def _clse(self, adb_info): """Send a ``b'CLSE'`` message and then read a ``b'CLSE'`` message. .. warning:: This is not to be confused with the :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync.close` method! Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ msg = AdbMessage(constants.CLSE, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id) await self._io_manager.send(msg, adb_info) await self._read_until([constants.CLSE], adb_info)
[docs] async def _okay(self, adb_info): """Send an ``b'OKAY'`` mesage. Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ msg = AdbMessage(constants.OKAY, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id) await self._io_manager.send(msg, adb_info)
# ======================================================================= # # # # Hidden Methods # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def _open(self, destination, transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s): """Opens a new connection to the device via an ``b'OPEN'`` message. 1. :meth:`~_AdbIOManagerAsync.send` an ``b'OPEN'`` command to the device that specifies the ``local_id`` 2. :meth:`` the response from the device and fill in the ``adb_info.remote_id`` attribute Parameters ---------- destination : bytes ``b'SERVICE:COMMAND'`` transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish Returns ------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ async with self._local_id_lock: self._local_id += 1 if self._local_id == 2**32: self._local_id = 1 adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(self._local_id, None, self._get_transport_timeout_s(transport_timeout_s), read_timeout_s, timeout_s) msg = AdbMessage(constants.OPEN, adb_info.local_id, 0, destination + b'\0') await self._io_manager.send(msg, adb_info) _, adb_info.remote_id, _, _ = await[constants.OKAY], adb_info) return adb_info
[docs] async def _read_until(self, expected_cmds, adb_info): """Read a packet, acknowledging any write packets. 1. Read data via :meth:`` 2. If a ``b'WRTE'`` packet is received, send an ``b'OKAY'`` packet via :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._okay` 3. Return the ``cmd`` and ``data`` that were read by :meth:`` Parameters ---------- expected_cmds : list[bytes] :meth:`` will look for a packet whose command is in ``expected_cmds`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Returns ------- cmd : bytes The command that was received by :meth:``, which is in :const:`adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID` and must be in ``expected_cmds`` data : bytes The data that was received by :meth:`` """ cmd, _, _, data = await, adb_info, allow_zeros=True) # Acknowledge write packets if cmd == constants.WRTE: await self._okay(adb_info) return cmd, data
[docs] async def _read_until_close(self, adb_info): """Yield packets until a ``b'CLSE'`` packet is received. 1. Read the ``cmd`` and ``data`` fields from a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'WRTE'`` packet via :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._read_until` 2. If ``cmd`` is ``b'CLSE'``, then send a ``b'CLSE'`` message and stop 3. Yield ``data`` and repeat Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Yields ------ data : bytes The data that was read by :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._read_until` """ start = time.time() while True: cmd, data = await self._read_until([constants.CLSE, constants.WRTE], adb_info) if cmd == constants.CLSE: msg = AdbMessage(constants.CLSE, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id) await self._io_manager.send(msg, adb_info) break yield data # Make sure the ADB command has not timed out if adb_info.timeout_s is not None and time.time() - start > adb_info.timeout_s: raise exceptions.AdbTimeoutError("The command did not complete within {} seconds".format(adb_info.timeout_s))
[docs] async def _streaming_command(self, service, command, transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s): """One complete set of packets for a single command. 1. :meth:`~AdbDeviceAsync._open` a new connection to the device, where the ``destination`` parameter is ``service:command`` 2. Read the response data via :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._read_until_close` .. note:: All the data is held in memory, and thus large responses will be slow and can fill up memory. Parameters ---------- service : bytes The ADB service (e.g., ``b'shell'``, as used by :meth:``) command : bytes The service command transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`` timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish Yields ------ bytes The responses from the service. """ adb_info = await self._open(b'%s:%s' % (service, command), transport_timeout_s, read_timeout_s, timeout_s) async for data in self._read_until_close(adb_info): yield data
# ======================================================================= # # # # FileSync Hidden Methods # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def _filesync_flush(self, adb_info, filesync_info): """Write the data in the buffer up to ``filesync_info.send_idx``, then set ``filesync_info.send_idx`` to 0. Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction """ # Send the buffer msg = AdbMessage(constants.WRTE, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id, filesync_info.send_buffer[:filesync_info.send_idx]) await self._io_manager.send(msg, adb_info) # Expect an 'OKAY' in response await self._read_until([constants.OKAY], adb_info) # Reset the send index filesync_info.send_idx = 0
[docs] async def _filesync_read(self, expected_ids, adb_info, filesync_info): """Read ADB messages and return FileSync packets. Parameters ---------- expected_ids : tuple[bytes] If the received header ID is not in ``expected_ids``, an exception will be raised adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction Returns ------- command_id : bytes The received header ID tuple The contents of the header data : bytearray, None The received data, or ``None`` if the command ID is :const:`adb_shell.constants.STAT` Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException Command failed adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidResponseError Received response was not in ``expected_ids`` """ if filesync_info.send_idx: await self._filesync_flush(adb_info, filesync_info) # Read one filesync packet off the recv buffer. header_data = await self._filesync_read_buffered(filesync_info.recv_message_size, adb_info, filesync_info) header = struct.unpack(filesync_info.recv_message_format, header_data) # Header is (ID, ...). command_id = constants.FILESYNC_WIRE_TO_ID[header[0]] # Whether there is data to read read_data = command_id != constants.STAT if read_data: # Header is (ID, ..., size) --> read the data data = await self._filesync_read_buffered(header[-1], adb_info, filesync_info) else: # No data to be read data = bytearray() if command_id not in expected_ids: if command_id == constants.FAIL: reason = data.decode('utf-8', errors='backslashreplace') raise exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException('Command failed: {}'.format(reason)) raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError('Expected one of %s, got %s' % (expected_ids, command_id)) if not read_data: return command_id, header[1:], None return command_id, header[1:-1], data
[docs] async def _filesync_read_buffered(self, size, adb_info, filesync_info): """Read ``size`` bytes of data from ``self.recv_buffer``. Parameters ---------- size : int The amount of data to read adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction Returns ------- result : bytearray The read data """ # Ensure recv buffer has enough data. while len(filesync_info.recv_buffer) < size: _, data = await self._read_until([constants.WRTE], adb_info) filesync_info.recv_buffer += data result = filesync_info.recv_buffer[:size] filesync_info.recv_buffer = filesync_info.recv_buffer[size:] return result
[docs] async def _filesync_read_until(self, expected_ids, finish_ids, adb_info, filesync_info): """Useful wrapper around :meth:`AdbDeviceAsync._filesync_read`. Parameters ---------- expected_ids : tuple[bytes] If the received header ID is not in ``expected_ids``, an exception will be raised finish_ids : tuple[bytes] We will read until we find a header ID that is in ``finish_ids`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction Yields ------ cmd_id : bytes The received header ID header : tuple TODO data : bytearray The received data """ while True: cmd_id, header, data = await self._filesync_read(expected_ids + finish_ids, adb_info, filesync_info) yield cmd_id, header, data # These lines are not reachable because whenever this method is called and `cmd_id` is in `finish_ids`, the code # either breaks (`list` and `_pull`), returns (`_push`), or raises an exception (`_push`) if cmd_id in finish_ids: # pragma: no cover break
[docs] async def _filesync_send(self, command_id, adb_info, filesync_info, data=b'', size=None): """Send/buffer FileSync packets. Packets are buffered and only flushed when this connection is read from. All messages have a response from the device, so this will always get flushed. Parameters ---------- command_id : bytes Command to send. adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction data : str, bytes Optional data to send, must set data or size. size : int, None Optionally override size from len(data). """ if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode('utf8') if size is None: size = len(data) if not filesync_info.can_add_to_send_buffer(len(data)): await self._filesync_flush(adb_info, filesync_info) buf = struct.pack(b'<2I', constants.FILESYNC_ID_TO_WIRE[command_id], size) + data filesync_info.send_buffer[filesync_info.send_idx:filesync_info.send_idx + len(buf)] = buf filesync_info.send_idx += len(buf)
[docs] class AdbDeviceTcpAsync(AdbDeviceAsync): """A class with methods for connecting to a device via TCP and executing ADB commands. Parameters ---------- host : str The address of the device; may be an IP address or a host name port : int The device port to which we are connecting (default is 5555) default_transport_timeout_s : float, None Default timeout in seconds for TCP packets, or ``None`` banner : str, bytes, None The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running; if it is not provided, it will be determined via ``socket.gethostname()`` Attributes ---------- _available : bool Whether an ADB connection to the device has been established _banner : bytearray, bytes The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running _default_transport_timeout_s : float, None Default timeout in seconds for TCP packets, or ``None`` _local_id : int The local ID that is used for ADB transactions; the value is incremented each time and is always in the range ``[1, 2^32)`` _maxdata : int Maximum amount of data in an ADB packet _transport : TcpTransportAsync The transport that is used to connect to the device """ def __init__(self, host, port=5555, default_transport_timeout_s=None, banner=None): transport = TcpTransportAsync(host, port) super(AdbDeviceTcpAsync, self).__init__(transport, default_transport_timeout_s, banner)