Source code for adb_shell.transport.tcp_transport

# Copyright (c) 2021 Jeff Irion and contributors
# This file is part of the adb-shell package.  It incorporates work
# covered by the following license notice:
#   Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

"""A class for creating a socket connection with the device and sending and receiving data.

* :class:`TcpTransport`

    * :meth:`TcpTransport.bulk_read`
    * :meth:`TcpTransport.bulk_write`
    * :meth:`TcpTransport.close`
    * :meth:`TcpTransport.connect`


import select
import socket

from .base_transport import BaseTransport
from ..exceptions import TcpTimeoutException

[docs] class TcpTransport(BaseTransport): """TCP connection object. Parameters ---------- host : str The address of the device; may be an IP address or a host name port : int The device port to which we are connecting (default is 5555) Attributes ---------- _connection : socket.socket, None A socket connection to the device _host : str The address of the device; may be an IP address or a host name _port : int The device port to which we are connecting (default is 5555) """ def __init__(self, host, port=5555): self._host = host self._port = port self._connection = None
[docs] def close(self): """Close the socket connection. """ if self._connection: try: self._connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except OSError: pass self._connection.close() self._connection = None
[docs] def connect(self, transport_timeout_s): """Create a socket connection to the device. Parameters ---------- transport_timeout_s : float, None Set the timeout on the socket instance """ self._connection = socket.create_connection((self._host, self._port), timeout=transport_timeout_s) if transport_timeout_s: # Put the socket in non-blocking mode # self._connection.setblocking(False)
[docs] def bulk_read(self, numbytes, transport_timeout_s): """Receive data from the socket. Parameters ---------- numbytes : int The maximum amount of data to be received transport_timeout_s : float, None When the timeout argument is omitted, ```` blocks until at least one file descriptor is ready. A time-out value of zero specifies a poll and never blocks. Returns ------- bytes The received data Raises ------ TcpTimeoutException Reading timed out. """ readable, _, _ =[self._connection], [], [], transport_timeout_s) if readable: return self._connection.recv(numbytes) msg = 'Reading from {}:{} timed out ({} seconds)'.format(self._host, self._port, transport_timeout_s) raise TcpTimeoutException(msg)
[docs] def bulk_write(self, data, transport_timeout_s): """Send data to the socket. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The data to be sent transport_timeout_s : float, None When the timeout argument is omitted, ```` blocks until at least one file descriptor is ready. A time-out value of zero specifies a poll and never blocks. Returns ------- int The number of bytes sent Raises ------ TcpTimeoutException Sending data timed out. No data was sent. """ _, writeable, _ =[], [self._connection], [], transport_timeout_s) if writeable: return self._connection.send(data) msg = 'Sending data to {}:{} timed out after {} seconds. No data was sent.'.format(self._host, self._port, transport_timeout_s) raise TcpTimeoutException(msg)