Source code for adb_shell.hidden_helpers

# Copyright (c) 2021 Jeff Irion and contributors
# This file is part of the adb-shell package.  It incorporates work
# covered by the following license notice:
#   Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

"""Implement helpers for the :class:`~adb_shell.adb_device.AdbDevice` and :class:`~adb_shell.adb_device_async.AdbDeviceAsync` classes.

.. rubric:: Contents

* :class:`_AdbPacketStore`

    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.__contains__`
    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.__len__`
    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.clear`
    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.clear_all`
    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.find`
    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.find_allow_zeros`
    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.get`
    * :meth:`_AdbPacketStore.put`

* :class:`_AdbTransactionInfo`

    * :meth:`_AdbTransactionInfo.args_match`

* :class:`_FileSyncTransactionInfo`

    * :meth:`_FileSyncTransactionInfo.can_add_to_send_buffer`

* :func:`get_banner`
* :func:`get_files_to_push`


from collections import namedtuple
from io import BytesIO
import os
import socket
import struct

    from asyncio import Queue
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        from queue import Queue
    except ImportError:
        from Queue import Queue

from . import constants

DeviceFile = namedtuple('DeviceFile', ['filename', 'mode', 'size', 'mtime'])

[docs] def get_files_to_push(local_path, device_path): """Get a list of the file(s) to push. Parameters ---------- local_path : str A path to a local file or directory device_path : str A path to a file or directory on the device Returns ------- local_path_is_dir : bool Whether or not ``local_path`` is a directory local_paths : list[str] A list of the file(s) to push device_paths : list[str] A list of destination paths on the device that corresponds to ``local_paths`` """ local_path_is_dir = not isinstance(local_path, BytesIO) and os.path.isdir(local_path) local_paths = [local_path] if not local_path_is_dir else os.listdir(local_path) device_paths = [device_path] if not local_path_is_dir else [device_path + '/' + f for f in local_paths] return local_path_is_dir, local_paths, device_paths
[docs] def get_banner(): """Get the ``banner`` that will be signed in :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device.AdbDevice.connect` / :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async.AdbDeviceAsync.connect`. Returns ------- bytearray The hostname, or "unknown" if it could not be determined """ try: return bytearray(socket.gethostname(), 'utf-8') except: # noqa pylint: disable=bare-except return bytearray('unknown', 'utf-8')
[docs] class _AdbTransactionInfo(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class for storing info and settings used during a single ADB "transaction." Note that if ``timeout_s`` is not ``None``, then: :: self.transport_timeout_s <= self.read_timeout_s <= self.timeout_s If ``timeout_s`` is ``None``, the first inequality still applies. Parameters ---------- local_id : int The ID for the sender (i.e., the device running this code) remote_id : int The ID for the recipient transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransport.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport.BaseTransport.bulk_read>`, :meth:`BaseTransport.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport.BaseTransport.bulk_write>`, :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>`, and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for data and packets from the device timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish Attributes ---------- local_id : int The ID for the sender (i.e., the device running this code) read_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for data and packets from the device remote_id : int The ID for the recipient timeout_s : float, None The total time in seconds to wait for the ADB command to finish transport_timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving data, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseTransport.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport.BaseTransport.bulk_read>`, :meth:`BaseTransport.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport.BaseTransport.bulk_write>`, :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_read>`, and :meth:`BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write() <adb_shell.transport.base_transport_async.BaseTransportAsync.bulk_write>` """ def __init__(self, local_id, remote_id, transport_timeout_s=None, read_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_S, timeout_s=None): self.local_id = local_id self.remote_id = remote_id self.timeout_s = timeout_s self.read_timeout_s = read_timeout_s if self.timeout_s is None else min(read_timeout_s, self.timeout_s) self.transport_timeout_s = self.read_timeout_s if transport_timeout_s is None else min(transport_timeout_s, self.read_timeout_s)
[docs] def args_match(self, arg0, arg1, allow_zeros=False): """Check if ``arg0`` and ``arg1`` match this object's ``remote_id`` and ``local_id`` attributes, respectively. Parameters ---------- arg0 : int The ``arg0`` value from an ADB packet, which will be compared to this object's ``remote_id`` attribute arg1 : int The ``arg1`` value from an ADB packet, which will be compared to this object's ``local_id`` attribute allow_zeros : bool Whether to check if ``arg0`` and ``arg1`` match 0, in addition to this object's ``local_id`` and ``remote_id`` attributes Returns ------- bool Whether ``arg0`` and ``arg1`` match this object's ``local_id`` and ``remote_id`` attributes """ if not allow_zeros: return arg1 == self.local_id and (self.remote_id is None or arg0 == self.remote_id) # return arg1 in (0, self.local_id) and (self.remote_id is None or arg0 in (0, self.remote_id))
[docs] class _FileSyncTransactionInfo(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class for storing info used during a single FileSync "transaction." Parameters ---------- recv_message_format : bytes The FileSync message format maxdata: int Maximum amount of data in an ADB packet Attributes ---------- _maxdata: int Maximum amount of data in an ADB packet recv_buffer : bytearray A buffer for storing received data recv_message_format : bytes The FileSync message format recv_message_size : int The FileSync message size send_buffer : bytearray A buffer for storing data to be sent send_idx : int The index in ``recv_buffer`` that will be the start of the next data packet sent """ def __init__(self, recv_message_format, maxdata=constants.MAX_ADB_DATA): self.send_buffer = bytearray(maxdata) self.send_idx = 0 self.recv_buffer = bytearray() self.recv_message_format = recv_message_format self.recv_message_size = struct.calcsize(recv_message_format) self._maxdata = maxdata
[docs] def can_add_to_send_buffer(self, data_len): """Determine whether ``data_len`` bytes of data can be added to the send buffer without exceeding :const:`constants.MAX_ADB_DATA`. Parameters ---------- data_len : int The length of the data to be potentially added to the send buffer (not including the length of its header) Returns ------- bool Whether ``data_len`` bytes of data can be added to the send buffer without exceeding :const:`constants.MAX_ADB_DATA` """ added_len = self.recv_message_size + data_len return self.send_idx + added_len < self._maxdata
[docs] class _AdbPacketStore(object): """A class for storing ADB packets. This class is used to support multiple streams. Attributes ---------- _dict : dict[int: dict[int: Queue]] A dictionary of dictionaries of queues. The first (outer) dictionary keys are the ``arg1`` return values from the :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device._AdbIOManager._read_packet_from_device` and :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async._AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device` methods. The second (inner) dictionary keys are the ``arg0`` return values from those methods. And the values of this inner dictionary are queues of ``(cmd, data)`` tuples. """ def __init__(self): self._dict = {} def __contains__(self, value): """Check if there are any entries in a queue for the specified value. Note that ``None`` is used as a wildcard. Parameters ---------- value : tuple[int, int] An ``(arg0, arg1)`` pair; either or both values can be ``None`` Returns ------- bool Whether the ``(arg0, arg1)`` tuple has any corresponding queue entries """ return bool(self.find(value[0], value[1])) def __len__(self): """Get the number of non-empty queues. Returns ------- int The number of non-empty queues """ return sum(not val0.empty() for val1 in self._dict.values() for val0 in val1.values())
[docs] def clear(self, arg0, arg1): """Delete the entry for ``(arg0, arg1)``, if it exists. Parameters ---------- arg0 : int The ``arg0`` return value from the :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device._AdbIOManager._read_packet_from_device` and :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async._AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device` methods arg1 : int The ``arg1`` return value from the :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device._AdbIOManager._read_packet_from_device` and :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async._AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device` methods """ if arg1 in self._dict and arg0 in self._dict[arg1]: del self._dict[arg1][arg0] if not self._dict[arg1]: # `self._dict[arg1]` is an empty dictionary now, so delete it del self._dict[arg1]
[docs] def clear_all(self): """Clear all the entries.""" self._dict = {}
[docs] def find(self, arg0, arg1): """Find the entry corresponding to ``arg0`` and ``arg1``. Parameters ---------- arg0 : int, None The ``arg0`` value that we are looking for; ``None`` serves as a wildcard arg1 : int, None The ``arg1`` value that we are looking for; ``None`` serves as a wildcard Returns ------- tuple[int, int], None The ``(arg0, arg1)`` pair that was found in the dictionary of dictionaries, or ``None`` if no match was found """ if not self._dict: return None if arg1 is None: if arg0 is None: # `value = (None, None)` -> search for any non-empty queue return next(((key0, key1) for key1, val1 in self._dict.items() for key0, val0 in val1.items() if not val0.empty()), None) # Search for a non-empty queue with a key of `arg0 == value[0]` return next(((arg0, key1) for key1, val1 in self._dict.items() for key0, val0 in val1.items() if key0 == arg0 and not val0.empty()), None) if arg1 not in self._dict: return None if arg0 is None: # Look for a non-empty queue in the `self._dict[value[1]]` dictionary return next(((key0, arg1) for key0, val0 in self._dict[arg1].items() if not val0.empty()), None) if arg0 in self._dict[arg1] and not self._dict[arg1][arg0].empty(): return (arg0, arg1) return None
[docs] def find_allow_zeros(self, arg0, arg1): """Find the entry corresponding to (``arg0`` or 0) and (``arg1`` or 0). Parameters ---------- arg0 : int, None The ``arg0`` value that we are looking for; ``None`` serves as a wildcard arg1 : int, None The ``arg1`` value that we are looking for; ``None`` serves as a wildcard Returns ------- tuple[int, int], None The first matching ``(arg0, arg1)`` pair that was found in the dictionary of dictionaries, or ``None`` if no match was found """ for arg0_, arg1_ in ((arg0, arg1), (arg0, 0), (0, arg1), (0, 0)): arg0_arg1 = self.find(arg0_, arg1_) if arg0_arg1: return arg0_arg1 return None
[docs] def get(self, arg0, arg1): """Get the next entry from the queue for ``arg0`` and ``arg1``. This function assumes you have already checked that ``(arg0, arg1) in self``. Parameters ---------- arg0 : int, None The ``arg0`` return value from the :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device._AdbIOManager._read_packet_from_device` and :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async._AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device` methods; ``None`` serves as a wildcard arg1 : int, None The ``arg1`` return value from the :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device._AdbIOManager._read_packet_from_device` and :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async._AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device` methods; ``None`` serves as a wildcard Returns ------- cmd : bytes The ADB packet's command arg0 : int The ``arg0`` value from the returned packet arg1 : int The ``arg1`` value from the returned packet data : bytes The ADB packet's data """ if arg0 is None or arg1 is None: arg0, arg1 = self.find(arg0, arg1) # Get the data from the queue cmd, data = self._dict[arg1][arg0].get_nowait() # If this is a `CLSE` packet, then clear the entry in the store if cmd == constants.CLSE: self.clear(arg0, arg1) return cmd, arg0, arg1, data
[docs] def put(self, arg0, arg1, cmd, data): """Add an entry to the queue for ``arg0`` and ``arg1``. Note that a new dictionary entry will not be created if ``cmd == constants.CLSE``. Parameters ---------- arg0 : int The ``arg0`` return value from the :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device._AdbIOManager._read_packet_from_device` and :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async._AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device` methods arg1 : int The ``arg1`` return value from the :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device._AdbIOManager._read_packet_from_device` and :meth:`adb_shell.adb_device_async._AdbIOManagerAsync._read_packet_from_device` methods cmd : bytes The ADB packet's command data : bytes The ADB packet's data """ if arg1 in self._dict: if arg0 not in self._dict[arg1]: if cmd == constants.CLSE: return # Create the `arg0` entry in the `arg1` dict self._dict[arg1][arg0] = Queue() else: if cmd == constants.CLSE: return # Create the `arg1` entry with a new dict self._dict[arg1] = {arg0: Queue()} # Put the data into the queue self._dict[arg1][arg0].put_nowait((cmd, data))